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The best $6.90 you'll spend all month

Plus, meet the world's strongest pickleball player

Sup memelords

In case you missed it, we launched Meme Alerts yesterday 🚨

For just $6.90 (nice) per month, you’ll get real-time daily alerts of emerging meme templates to help bring your shitposting game to the next level. Click here to upgrade your subscription. If not, you’ll still get this free weekly round-up (but you’re also dead to us).

Anyway, here are the memes of the week:

This guys is going to rocket a pickleball at 200mph right into his 80-year old opponent’s face:

For some reason, this is how an early investor in Uber dresses now:

Not sure why this is a big deal. It’s a pretty typical weekend for a shitposter

People on Facebook have finally discovered AI art. The only problem is, they don’t know it’s AI yet.

This cat is in the Special Furces:

LinkedIn has gone too far (again)

That’s all for now. Make sure to sign up for Meme Alerts!